Search Results for: "gas turbines"

Gas turbines: operating parameters?

Gas turbine operating parameters

…of efficiency, for a total efficiency of 58%. This data-file tabulates the operating parameters of gas turbines. $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Why do gas turbines matter? Recuperated Brayton cycles…

Gas turbines and CHP: technology leaders?

Leading companies commercializing gas turbines for power or CHP

gas turbines in the energy transition, an overview of thermodynamic cycles, a build up of the efficiencies of gas turbines, operating parameters of gas turbines and typical economics of CCGTs….

Turbo-charge gas turbines: the economics?

costs of turbo-charge gas turbines

This data-file models the economics of turbo-charging gas turbines, which increases the mass flow of combustion air, in order to improve their power ratings c10-20%. This is especially important to…

Methane slip: how much gas evades combustion?

Methane slip

…This data-file reviews technical papers. Methane slip is very low at gas turbines and gas heating (less than 0.1%), rising to 0.5 – 3% in cookstoves and some dual-fuel marine…

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