Russia conflict: pain and suffering?

Russia's conflict implications in energy markets

This 13-page note presents 10 hypotheses on Russia’s horrific conflict. Energy supplies will very likely get disrupted, as Putin no longer needs to break the will of Ukraine, but also…

Russia: a breakdown of export revenues?

Russia's export revenues

This data-file breaks down Russia’s export revenues, import country by import country, looking across oil, gas, coal, steel, aluminium, copper, gold, aluminium, ammonia, agricultural products, other metals, materials and manufactured…

Global oil production by country?

Global oil production by country over time in Mbpd, correlates heavily with Brent crude oil prices in $/bbl

…by almost +1Mbpd/year over the past two-decades, led by the US, Iraq, Russia, Canada. Oil market volatility is usually very low, at +/- 1.5% per year, of which two-thirds is…

Energy self-sufficiency by country and over time?

The percentage of energy provided by countries themselves and by imports for different countries.

…(2x), Indonesia (2x), Russia (1.7x), Canada (1.7x). Energy self-sufficiency can also be estimated on a net basis, by summing up the share of total useful energy consumption, by resource, that…

Global electricity prices vs. CO2 intensities?

electricity prices vs CO2

…is another outlier on the chart. Its grid has the same CO2 intensity as Russia’s or Pakistan’s, yet its retail electricity prices are 5-7x higher. Or stated another way, Germany’s…

European shale: an overview?

Overview of European shale

…Europe, which has large, high-quality shale resources, high continued reliance on coal (Poland, Bulgaria) and a growing desire to avoid Russian reliance. Ukraine has the best shale resources in all…

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