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Search results for: โ€œair separationโ€

  • Cryogenic air separation: costs and energy economics?

    Cryogenic air separation: costs and energy economics?

    This data-file calculates the costs of cryogenic air separation units, which are important in the production of industrial gases, ammonia, metals, materials, medical applications and new energy technologies such as blue hydrogen. Good base cases are $100/ton oxygen, $20/ton nitrogen, $200/Tpa capex and 60kWh/ton of electricity (on an input air basis).

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  • Cryogenic air separation: company screen?

    Cryogenic air separation: company screen?

    Over $100bn pa of industrial gases and $5-6bn pa of cryogenic air separation plants are produced each year. This data-file is a screen of leading industrial gas companies and cryogenic air separation companies, breaking down their market share (number of ASUs constructed) history, geography, sales and headcounts.

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  • Industrial gases: air separation units?

    Industrial gases: air separation units?

    Cryogenic air separation is used to produce 400MTpa of oxygen, plus pure nitrogen and argon; for steel, metals, ammonia, wind-solar inputs, semiconductor, blue hydrogen and Allam cycle oxy-combustion. Hence this 16-page report is an overview of industrial gases. How does air separation work? What costs, energy use and CO2 intensity? Who benefits amidst the energy…

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  • Air conditioning: energy demand sensitivity?

    Air conditioning: energy demand sensitivity?

    This data-file quantifies air conditioning energy demand. In the US each 100 variation in CDDs adds 26 TWH of electricity (0.6%) demand and 200bcf of gas (0.6%). Air conditioning already consumes 7% of all global electricity and could treble by 2050.

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  • Air conditioning: energy consumption?

    Air conditioning: energy consumption?

    The average US home uses 2,000 kWh of electricity for air conditioners each year. Air conditioning energy consumption is broken down from first principles in this data-file, as a function of temperatures, humidity, heating days, household size, insulation and coefficient of performance (COP). What routes to lower the air conditioning energy demand and CO2 emissions?

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  • Windy physics: how is power of a wind turbine calculated?

    Windy physics: how is power of a wind turbine calculated?

    This data-file is an overview of wind power physics. Specifically, how is the power of a wind turbine calculated, in MW, as a function of wind speed, blade length, blade number, rotational speed (in RPM) and other efficiency factors (lambda). A large, modern offshore wind turbine will have 100m blades and surpass 10MW power outputs.

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  • Subsea Separation: the elusive history

    Subsea Separation: the elusive history

    This database covers all 14 subsea separation projects across the history of the oil industry, going back to the “dawn of subsea” in 1969.ย The technology has been elusive, with just a handful of applications, the largest of which is 2.3MW. This could change, with the pre-salt partners pioneering an unprecedented 6MW facility at Mero.

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  • AirJoule: Metal Organic Framework HVAC breakthrough?

    AirJoule: Metal Organic Framework HVAC breakthrough?

    Montana Technologies is developing AirJoule, an HVAC technology that uses metal organic frameworks, to lower the energy costs of air conditioning by 50-75%. The company is going public via SPAC and targeting first revenues in 2024. Our AirJoule technology review finds strong rationale, technical details and challenges.

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  • Polyurethane: production costs?

    Polyurethane: production costs?

    Polyurethane production costs are estimated at $2.5-3.0/kg in our base case model, which looks line-by-line across the inputs and outputs, of a complex, twenty stage production process, which ultimately yields spandex-lycra fibers. Costs depend on oil, gas and hydrogen input prices.

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  • Compressed air energy storage: costs and economics?

    Compressed air energy storage: costs and economics?

    Our base case estimates for Compressed Air Energy Storage costs require a 26c/kWh storage spread to generate a 10% IRR at a $1,350/kW CAES facility, with 63% round-trip efficiency, charging and discharging 365 days per year. Our numbers are based on top-down project data and bottom up calculations, both for CAES capex (in $/kW) and…

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