Search Results for: cement

Cement costs and energy economics?

Cement costs and energy economics

This data-file captures cement costs, based on inputs, capex and energy economics. A typical cement plant requires a cement price of $130/ton for a 10% IRR, on capex costs of…

CO2-Cured Concrete: Solidia vs traditional cement?

Solidia CO2-cured concrete

…traditional concrete, yielding exceptional IRRs. An interesting side-note is that producing cement is not particularly CO2 intensive. Around 1 ton of CO2 is usually emitted per ton of cement. This…

Energy Transition Research

…amines, and can help to decarbonize power, BECCS and cement plants. We think costs are around $100/ton and energy penalties are 30-50%. Potassium carbonate CCS can be stress-tested in this…

Cross laminated timber: costs and economics?

Economic costs of producing cross laminated timber to decarbonize construction

…readily used construction material amidst the energy transition, with sufficient strength to build 40-80 story skyscrapers, yet 80% lower CO2 intensity than walls comprising steel and cement, while also providing…

Industry Research

…Our cost breakdowns include capex, opex, maintenance, zeolite replacement, compression power and CO2 costs. Download What is the energy consumption of the internet? Powering the internet consumed 800 TWH of…

Road costs: economic model?

…and/or sand (15,000 tons per lane-km), followed by steel (35 tons per lane-km), bitumen (85 tons/lane-km) and cement (60 tons/lane-km). And materially more for large highways. The material must also…

Hot potassium carbonate CCS: energy economics?

Potassium carbonate CCS

Hot potassium carbonate is a post-combustion CCS technology that bypasses the degradation issues of amines, and can help to decarbonize power, BECCS and cement plants. We think costs are around…

CO2 capture: a cost curve?

CO2 capture cost curve

…that are simply being vented at present, such as from the ethanol or LNG industries, but the ultimate running-room from this opportunity set is <200MTpa. Blue hydrogen, steel and cement

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