Search Results for: pipelines midstream

Gas pipelines, CO2 pipelines, hydrogen pipelines?

economics of CO2 and hydrogen pipelines

This model captures the energy economics of gas pipelines, CO2 pipelines and hydrogen pipelines. Specifically, we have modelled energy requirements using simple fluid mechanics, and modelled capex costs using past…

Midstream opportunities in the energy transition?

Total US midstream volumes from 1990 to 2050.

…for midstream companies. (8) Costs of midstream components are quantified in our research, such as oil pipelines at $2/bbl/1,000km, oil storage at $1.5/bbl, gas pipelines at $1/mcf/1,000km, gas fractionation at…

Midstream gas: pipelines have pricing power ?!

High utilization can provide hidden upside for transmission operators

FERC regulations are surprisingly interesting!! In theory, gas pipelines are not allowed to have market power. But they increasingly do have it: gas use is rising, on grid bottlenecks, volatile…

Energy Transition Research

…molecules, electrons or data ?! New AI data-centers are facing bottlenecked power grids. Hence this 15-page note compares the costs of constructing new power lines, gas pipelines or fiber optic…

US gas pipeline capex over time?

US pipeline capex spending from 1996 out to 2050. We expect spending to increase greatly, much of it from new CO2 pipelines.

…hubs, or more extensively, is thus the largest determinant of total midstream capex requirements through 2050. Estimates for the number and diameter of pipelines needed per bcfd or per MTpa…

Hydrocarbon Energy Research

…offshore wind, 7-years for new pipelines, 7-years for new oil and gas projects, 9-years for new LNG plants and 13-years for new nuclear plants. This data-file reviews 35 case studies….

Industry Research

…and chemical carriers (e.g., ammonia). Midstream costs will be 2-10x higher than natural gas, while up to 50% of hydrogen’s embedded energy may be lost in transit. Download Green hydrogen…

Energy Technologies – Written Insights

…with a base case of 1,000 TWH. Read the Report? Midstream gas: pipelines have pricing power ?! FERC regulations are surprisingly interesting!! In theory, gas pipelines are not allowed to…

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