Capacitor banks: raising power factors?

Wind and solar power factor corrections

Power factor corrections could save 0.5% of global electricity, with $20/ton CO2 abatement costs at typical facilities in normal times, and 30% pure IRRs during energy shortages. They will also…

Power grids: opportunities in the energy transition?

power grid opportunities in the energy transition

This article summarizes our conclusions into power grids and power electronics, across all of Thunder Said Energy’s research. Where are the best power grid opportunities in the energy transition? Power

Power capacity of a typical home?

Power capacity of a typical home

…We think that constructing more resilient power grids will be a crucial component of the energy transition, and total global power grid capex could quadruple to over $1trn per year….

Air conditioning: energy demand sensitivity?

Air conditioning energy demand

…Interesting options that have crossed our screens include improving insulation, smart energy, phase change materials, heat pumps, power factor correction, absorption chillers with CHPs, and urban trees that can reduce…

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