Transformers: rise of the beasts?

Transformers for renewable energy

A transformer is needed to step the voltage up or down at every inter-connection point in the grid. Hence this 14-page note explores how renewables and EVs will expand future…

Transformer costs: the economics?

…step up or down the voltage at every inter-connection point in the grid, to an exact, pre-specified level. The demand for transformers grows by 2.5-3x in capacity terms and by…

MOSFETs: energy use and power loss calculator?

…at low-medium voltage then using transformers to step up the power for transmission; or conversely using transformers to step down the voltage for manipulation via power electronics modules.…

Power distribution: the economics?

Cash flow for our financial model of a power distribution project over 30 years.

…Checkout Added to cart Power grids move electricity from generation sources, through the high-voltage transmission network (120-500kV), stepping down via transformers to the medium voltage grid (35-120kV) and then finally…

Renewables: how much time to connect to the grid?

time to connect to the grid

transformers, various batteries. Other technical papers have also raised the issue of rising interconnection times and power grid bottlenecks for wind and solar. And the US’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory…

Transformer shortages: at their core?

The pricing of transformers has risen 1.5x in the past three years along with US imports of transformers by capacity more than doubling in the same timeframe.

Transformers are needed every time voltage steps up or down in the power grid. But lead times have now risen from 12-24 weeks to 1-3 years. And prices have risen…

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