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Search results for: โ€œfertilizer ammoniaโ€

  • Ammonia: production costs and energy economics?

    Ammonia: production costs and energy economics?

    This data-file captures ammonia production costs and energy economics, starting from inputs of hydrogen and nitrogen, using the Haber process. Our base case is $450/ton NH3 and 2.4 tons/ton CO2 intensity. This matters as fertilizer production thus explains over 1% of global emissions.

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  • Crop production: how much does nitrogen fertilizer increase yields?

    Crop production: how much does nitrogen fertilizer increase yields?

    How much does fertilizer increase crop yields? Aggregating all of the global data, a good rule of thumb is that up to 200kg of nitrogen can be applied per acre, increasing corn crop yields from 60 bushels per acre (with no fertilizer) to 160 bushels per acre (at 200 kg/acre). But the relationship is logarithmic,…

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  • Air Products: ammonia cracking technology?

    Air Products: ammonia cracking technology?

    Can we de-risk Air Products’s ammonia cracking technology in our roadmaps to net zero, which is crucial to recovering green hydrogen in regions that import green ammonia from projects such as Saudi Arabia’s NEOM. We find strong IP in Air Products’s patents. However, we still see 15-35% energy penalties and $2-3/kg of costs in ammonia…

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  • Blue ammonia projects: a screen?

    Blue ammonia projects: a screen?

    This data-file captures a sample of 30MTpa of blue ammonia projects from 1980 to 2030, including their location, companies, timings (year of FID, year of start-up), their sizes (in MTpa), their CO2 reductions (in %), their capex costs (in $M, where disclosed) and the implied capex costs ($/Tpa). We have also summarized each project with…

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  • Screen of Large Public Fertilizer Companies

    Screen of Large Public Fertilizer Companies

    This data-file screens the large, listed fertilizer companies, comparing their CO2 intensity, ROACE, cash flow and recent patent filings.ย The industry could be disrupted by the rise of conservation agriculture, eroding thee 186MTpa global fertilizer market, which also comprises c1% of global emissions.ย 

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  • Transporting green hydrogen as ammonia or toluene?

    Transporting green hydrogen as ammonia or toluene?

    Green hydrogen could be converted into ammonia, shipped like LPGs, then cracked back into green hydrogen in a developed world country. The best case costs are around $10/kg, while generating an IRR of 10%, with full, round-trip energy efficiency of c60%.

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  • US hydrogen production: by facility and by company?

    US hydrogen production: by facility and by company?

    10MTpa of hydrogen is produced in the US, of which 40% is sold by industrial gas companies, 20-25% is generated on site at refineries, 20% at ammonia plants and 15-20% in chemicals/methanol. This datafile breaks down US hydrogen production by facility. Owners of existing steam methane reforming units may readily be able to capture CO2…

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  • Blue ammonia: options strategy?

    Blue ammonia: options strategy?

    Blue ammonia can economically decarbonize the fertilizer industry, using low-cost natural gas; with options to decarbonize combustion fuels in the future. This report covers where we see the best opportunities, as reforms to the 45Q have already kick-started a 20MTpa boom of new US projects.

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  • Decarbonize shipping: alternative fuel costs?

    Decarbonize shipping: alternative fuel costs?

    This data-file screens the costs of alternative shipping fuels, such as LNG, blue methanol, blue ammonia, renewable diesel, green methanol, green ammonia, hydrogen and e-fuels versus marine diesel. Shipping costs rise between 10% to 3x, inflating the ultimate costs of products by 0.1-30%, for CO2 abatement costs of $130-1,000/ton. We still prefer CO2 removals.

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  • Global hydrogen: market breakdown?

    Global hydrogen: market breakdown?

    This data-file is a global hydrogen market breakdown, disaggregating the 110MTpa market (mainly ammonia, methanol and refining), how it is met via different production technologies, and our estimates of those technologies’ costs (in $/kg) and CO2 intensities (in kg/kg or tons/ton).

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