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Search results for: โ€œhydrogen economicsโ€

  • Gold hydrogen: the economics?

    Gold hydrogen: the economics?

    Natural hydrogen could be recovered from the Earth’s subsurface, with costs ranging from $0.3-10/kg, and CO2 intensities of 0.2-5.0 kg/kg. This data-file models the economic costs of gold hydrogen, and its sub-variants such as white hydrogen and orange hydrogen.

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  • Hydrogen: overview and conclusions?

    Hydrogen: overview and conclusions?

    We think the best opportunities in hydrogen will be to decarbonize gas at source via blue and turquoise hydrogen, displacing ‘black hydrogen’ that currently comes from coal, and to produce small-scale feedstock on site via electrolysis for select industries. Others see green hydrogen as a cornerstone of the future energy system. We think there may…

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  • Hydrogen peroxide: production costs?

    Hydrogen peroxide: production costs?

    Hydrogen peroxide production costs run at $1,000/Tpa, to generate a 10% IRR at a greenfield production facility, with c$2,000/Tpa capex costs. Today’s market is 5MTpa, worth c$5bn pa. CO2 intensity runs to 3 kg of CO2 per kg of H2O2. But lower-carbon hydrogen could be transformational for clean chemicals?

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  • NEL: green hydrogen technology review?

    NEL: green hydrogen technology review?

    NEL is a green hydrogen technology company, headquartered in Oslo, listed on the Oslo Bรธrs since 2014, and employing 575 people. It has manufactured 3,500 electrolyser units, going back to 1927, historically weighted to alkaline electrolysers, and increasingly focused on PEMs and hydrogen fuelling stations. This NEL technology review explores its patents.

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  • Bright green hydrogen from biomass gasification?

    Bright green hydrogen from biomass gasification?

    Woody biomass can be converted into clean hydrogen via gasification. If the resultant CO2 is sequestered, each ton of hydrogen may be associated with -20 tons of CO2 disposal. The economies of hydrogen from biomass gasification require $11/kg-e revenues for a 10% IRR on capex of $3,000/Tpa of biomass, or lower, with CO2 disposal incentives.

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  • Methane reforming: costs of grey hydrogen, costs of blue hydrogen?

    Methane reforming: costs of grey hydrogen, costs of blue hydrogen?

    This data-file captures the economics of blue hydrogen production via reforming natural gas: either steam-methane reforming or auto-thermal reforming. Costs and operating parameters are compiled from technical papers. Blue hydrogen can be cost-competitive with CCS, while overall costs are most sensitive to gas prices.

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  • US hydrogen production: by facility and by company?

    US hydrogen production: by facility and by company?

    10MTpa of hydrogen is produced in the US, of which 40% is sold by industrial gas companies, 20-25% is generated on site at refineries, 20% at ammonia plants and 15-20% in chemicals/methanol. This datafile breaks down US hydrogen production by facility. Owners of existing steam methane reforming units may readily be able to capture CO2…

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  • Turquoise hydrogen from methane pyrolysis: economics?

    Turquoise hydrogen from methane pyrolysis: economics?

    Turquoise hydrogen is produced by thermal decomposition of methane at high temperatures, from 600-1,200โ—ฆC. Costs can beat green hydrogen. This data-file quantifies the economics (in $/kg), how to generate 10% IRRs, possible capex costs, and remaining challenges for commercialization.

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  • Global hydrogen supply-demand: by region, by use & over time?

    Global hydrogen supply-demand: by region, by use & over time?

    Global production of hydrogen is around 110MTpa in 2023, of which c30% is for ammonia, 25% is for refining, c20% for methanol and c25% for other metals and materials. This data-file estimates global hydrogen supply and demand, by use, by region, and over time, with projections through 2050.

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  • Costs of hydrogen from coal gasification?

    Costs of hydrogen from coal gasification?

    What are the costs of hydrogen from coal gasification? This model looks line-by-line, across different plant configurations, aggregating data from technical papers. Black hydrogen costs $1-2/kg. But CO2 intensity is very high, as much as 25 tons/ton. It can possibly be decarbonized resulting in semi-clean hydrogen costing c$2.5/kg.

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