Methane emissions from pneumatic devices: by operator, by basin?
Methane leaks from 1M pneumatic devices across the US onshore oil and gas industry comprise 50% of all US upstream methane leaks and 20% of upstream CO2. This file aggregates the data. Rankings reveal operators with a pressing priority to replace >100,000 medium and high bleed devices, and other best-in-class companies.
Ventures for an Energy Transition?
This database tabulates c300 venture investments, made by 9 of the leading Oil Majors. Their strategy is increasingly geared to advancing new energies, digital technologies and improving mobility. Different companies are compared and contrasted, including the full list of venture investments over time.
Floating production systems versus subsea tiebacks: the costs?
This model estimates the line-by-line costs of an FPSO project, across c45 distinct cost lines (in $M and $/boe). We estimate c$750M of cost savings for a tieback, and c$500M of cost savings for a fully subsea development, as compared against a traditional project with a traditional production facility.
Fully subsea offshore projects: the economics?
The model presents the economic impacts of developing a typical, 625Mboe offshore gas condensate field using a fully subsea solution, compared against installing a new production facility. The result is a c4% uplift in IRRs, a 50% uplift in NPV6 and a 33% reduction in the project’s gas-breakeven price. The economics are attractive.
Power from Shore: the economics?
We model the economics of powering an oil platform from shore, using cheap renewable power instead of traditional gas turbines. This can lower upstream CO2 emissions by by around 70%, saving 5-15kg/bbl, for a cost of $50-100/ton. NPVs can be positive with low WACCs and high gas prices, but the primary aim is low-cost decarbonisation.
Hybrid horizons: industrial use of batteries?
Gas and diesel engines can be 30-80% less efficient when idling, or running at low loads. This is the rationale for hybridizing engines with backup batteries. Industrial applications are increasing, achieving 30-65% efficiency gains, across multiple industries. In 2018-19, the biggest new horizon has been in oil and gas, including hybrid rigs, supply vessels, construction…
Northern Lights CCS: the economics?
We have modeled out simple economics for Northern Lights, the most elaborate CCS scheme proposed by the energy industry (Equinor, Shell, TOTAL). The project involves capturing 1.3-1.5MTpa of industrial CO2, shipping it, piping it 110km offshore, then injecting it 3,000m below Norway’s seabed. Costs are expensive. But phase 2 could benefit from scale, offering “CO2…
At the cutting edge of EOR?
This data-file summarises 120 patents into Enhanced Oil Recovery, filed by the leading Oil Majors in 2018. Hence, we can identify clear leaders in EOR technology, and what they are doing at the cutting edge, to improve recovery and lower decline rates. As the world’s oilfields age, leading EOR technology will help avoid the higher…
Subsea Separation: the elusive history
This database covers all 14 subsea separation projects across the history of the oil industry, going back to the “dawn of subsea” in 1969. The technology has been elusive, with just a handful of applications, the largest of which is 2.3MW. This could change, with the pre-salt partners pioneering an unprecedented 6MW facility at Mero.
Johan Sverdrup: Don’t Decline
Equinor is deploying three world-class technologies to mitigate Johan Sverdrup’s decline rates, based on reviewing c115 of the company’s patents and dozens of technical papers. This 15-page note outlines how its efforts may unlock an incremental $3-5bn of value from the field, as production surprises to the upside.
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