CCS: what CO2 purity for transport and disposal?

CO2 purity required for various purposes. The highest purities are required by food, beverage, and medical purposes, as well as shipping and liquefaction. CO2 disposal has the highest variability. For any purpose the purity must still be at least 90%.

…to freeze out and plug the system. So this requires the highest purity of CCS value chains and dedicated dehydration. CO2 purity for CCS will generally need to be…

CCS: amine degradation rates?

amine make-up rates

In post-combustion CCS facilities, amines react with CO2, which can later be re-released via steam-treating, and sent for sequestration. However, CCS plants have amine make-up rates, to replace amines that…

Energy economics: engineering wonders?

Energy economics

…govern the energy efficiencies of power plants, energy penalties of CCS, energy penalties of hydrogen or energy losses in inverters and power electronics. How much metal or material? The…

Global CCS Projects Database

Database of Global CCS Projects

This data-file captures 65 carbon capture and storage (CCS) facilities around the world, of which c30 are currently running, with capacity to sequester 40MTpa of CO2. Capacity should rise 2.5x…

CO2 Storage: the top ten challenges in CCS?

Top challenges for CO2 storage during CCS operations

…also summarized 25 technologies used for this purpose. Finally, we contrast CCS to Nature Based Solutions.  For of the main challenge to nature based solutions also apply to CCS. Four…

Svante: CCS breakthrough?

Svante technology review

Svante is suggesting its technology can absorb 90% of CO2 in a 60-second cycle, that lasts 450,000 cycles, is not contaminated by water-vapor, and costs 50% less than conventional CCS….

Aker Carbon Capture: technology review?

Aker Carbon Capture technology

…GJ/ton) and high stability; plus modular CCS plants using those solvents, such as JustCatch (40-100kTpa scale) and BigCatch (>400kTpa). The company aims to secure contracts for 10MTpa of CCS by…

CCS challenges: by any amines necessary?

CCS challenges

…of gases; to prevent degradation, plant corrosion and toxic emissions. This might double real-world CCS costs. But it also creates more opportunity for novel CCS processes, which are rapidly emerging….

Northern Lights CCS: the economics?

Northern Lights CCS economics

We have modeled out simple economics for Northern Lights, the most elaborate carbon capture and storage (CCS) scheme ever proposed by the energy industry (Equinor, Shell, TOTAL). The project involves…

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