Biofuels: the best of times, the worst of times?

Outlook for biofuels in energy transition

How will food and energy shortages re-shape liquid biofuels? This 11-page note explores four questions. Could the US re-consider its ethanol blending to help world food security? Could rising cash…

Vacuum pumps: company screen?

…Other applications, back in the traditional industrial landscape, use vacuum pumps. Ranging from the food manufacturing industry (one company website that we reviewed comprehensively lists how their technology is used…

Crop production: what CO2 intensity?

CO2 intensity of crop production

…around 1.2 GTpa, or c5,500 TWH of primary energy. (Amazingly, corn thus comprises about 25% of all human food-energy production; and 3% of all total human energy production, 2x more…

Vertical greenhouses: the economics?

Economic costs of vertical greenhouses

…greenhouses takes 1,000kWh of electricity per m2 per year, emitting 3kg of CO2 per kg of food, if the grid is 50% gas and 50% renewables. CO2 costs of vertical…

Vapor deposition: leading companies?

Leading vapor deposition companies by their revenue in 2023 and exposure to the PVD/CVD market.

…for hardened metals, cutting tools, insulated glass and aluminized food packaging. We figured that we needed to compile this screen after reviewing LONGi‘s patents in early-2024. The technology underpinning HJTs…

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