District heating: the economics?

Annual economics of a district heating project with cash flow per household and the distribution of heating cost to maintenance, income, tax, etc.

District heating supplies residential or commercial consumers with centrally generated heat, waste heat from power generation (combined heat and power) or from other industrial processes. Capturing waste heat lowers CO2-intensity….

Heat pumps: hot and cold?

heat pumps in the energy transition

Some policymakers now aspire to ban gas boilers and ramp heat pumps 10x by 2050. In theory, the heat pump technology is superior. But in practice, there are ten challenges….

Decarbonize Heat?

decarbonize heat

Natural gas currently fuels two-thirds of residential and commercial heating, which in turn comprises c10% of global CO2. We have assessed ten technologies to decarbonize heat, including heat pumps, renewables,…

Combined heat and power: the economics?

IRR economics of combined heat and power $

This data-file models the energy economics of a combined heat and power installation, to provide electricity and heating behind the meter, in lieu of purchasing electricity from the grid. The…

Heat pumps: a screen of providers and reviews?

Heat pumps screen of companies

This data-file tabulates our subjective opinions on c20 different heat pump companies, and our own preferences to use their heat pump on a future European residential heating project. Factors we…

Industrial heating technologies: an overview?

Industrial heat overview of temperatures and efficiency

This data-file summarizes different heating technologies, predominantly electric heating technologies, used to supply process heat within industry. The file covers convection heating, infrared radiant heat, immersion coils, electric ovens and…

Industrial heat: the myth of electrify everything?

Electrification of industrial heat

“Electrify everything then decarbonize electricity”. This mantra is popular, but dangerously incorrect for industrial heating. It raises output costs by 10-110% without any material CO2 savings. This 19-page note presents…

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