Search Results for: methane

Methane emissions detract from natural gas?

Impact of Methane on Natural Gas Emissions

This short modelcalculates the impact of methane emissions on the CO2/boe of burning natural gas, compared against coal. With methane emissions fully controlled, burning gas is c60% lower-CO2 than burning…

Fugitive methane: what components are leaking?

Components leaking methane in oil and gas

This data-file looks through 35 different technical papers and data-sources to tabulate the methane leaks from different components around the oil and gas industry. $299.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart The…

Methane Leaks from Downstream Gas Distribution

Methane Leaks from US Dowsntream Gas Distribution

This data-file tabulates the methane emissions from downstream gas distribution across 160 US gas networks, which cover 1.1M miles of mains, 61M metered customers and >90% of the country’s retail…

Gas Gathering: how much CO2 and Methane?

US Midstream Gas Methane Emissions

…to improve. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Methane matters most, explaining 1-7kg/boe of the gas industry’s CO2-equivalents, via leaks and fugitive emissions (and this is with 1 kg of methane

Hydrogen: what GWP and climate impacts?

Hydrogen GWP versus methane

…from breaking down methane molecules. Thus the 100-year warming impacts of methane are exacerbated. In other words, the climate impacts of atmospheric hydrogen directly link to the atmospheric impacts of…

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