Energy Transition Technologies?

Energy Transition Technologies

…including screening the patents of emerging companies. However, one sober conclusion from our past five years of research is that new technologies emerge quite slowly (chart below). Especially in later…

Vehicles: fuel economy and energy efficiency?

Vehicle fuel economy and energy efficiency

…ultimate CO2 intensity per mile of travel. In turn, these numbers are built up from physics calculations, enthalpy calculations and technical disclosures of underlying companies. A good rule of thumb…

Ventures for an Energy Transition?

Oil Major Venture Investments

…database shows which topic areas are most actively targeted by the Majors’ venturing, broken down across 25 sub-categories, including by company. We also chart which companies have gained stakes in…

Aerial Vehicles: Which Ones Fly?

top aerial vehicle concepts

We have compiled a database of over 100 companies, which have already flown c40 aerial vehicles (aka “flying cars”) and the number should rise to c60 by 2021. $999.00 – Purchase Checkout…

Aerial Vehicles: why flying cars fly

Aerial vehicles in energy transition

…20-page written-insight summarises the evidence, reviewing over 100 different companies’ efforts, checking the equations of flight for leading concepts, and bridging to competitive costs. Aerial vehicles accelerate the energy transition….

Commercial aviation: fuel economy of planes?

…at a pace of 1% per annum, while Airbus and Boeing stand out as having made the most efficient aircraft. Data comparing different companies are available in the data-file. For…

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