Search Results for: "fuel cell"

Carbon capture and storage: research conclusions?

…concepts ranging from chemical looping combustion to molten carbonate fuel cells and solid oxide fuel cells. Transporting CO2 usually costs $4/ton/100km in a pipeline (model here). But CO2 is a…

Power plants: average capacity?

average capacity of power plants

…at the highest voltage, for ultra-long distance transmission. Smaller generation sources. We have recently written about opportunities in landfill gas, fuel cells, geothermal, and biomass power. But per the charts above,…

Energy technologies: the pace of progress?

energy technology development

…post-combustion CCS, battery recycling, supercapacitors, aerial vehicles, Allam Cycle Oxy-Combustion, BECCS, direct air capture, airborne wind, metal organic frameworks, drones, molten carbonate fuel cells, deep geothermal, autonomous vehicles, chemical looping…

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