Oxycombustion: economics of zero-carbon gas?

CO2-EOR in shale

…of oxycombustion power cycles will compete with smaller-scale CHPs and fuel cells. Fuel cells have historically had high decline rates, averaging 5% per year, but recent fuel cells are slowly…

Integrated gas and renewable power?

Integrated gas and renewables

CHPs and gas turbines. Following this model could create great potential for an integrated gas and power company, while supplying a complete, zero-carbon energy solution to consumers in the energy…

Ground source heat pumps: the economics?

The breakdown of heat pumps economics. The largest costs are in piping and duct work.

…cost build-up for CHPs and our notes. The capex costs of electric pumps in general, pump opex, pump energy consumption and the efficiency of pumps are reviewed from first principles…

Turbo-charge gas turbines: the economics?

costs of turbo-charge gas turbines

…Turbo-charged gas turbines could be among the non-obvious technologies to gain greater share as grids become more saturated with renewables, in addition to CHPs, PCMs and fuel cells, per our…

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