Search Results for: lithium

Amprius: silicon anode technology review?

Amprius silicon anode technology

Amprius is commercializing a lithium-ion battery with a near-100% silicon anode, which has 80% higher energy density than conventional lithium and can achieve 80% charge rates within around 6-minutes. The…

Grid-scale battery costs: the economics?

Grid-scale battery costs

…that a LFP lithium ion battery must charge to earn a 10% IRR off $1,200/kW installed capex costs. Other batteries can be compared in the data-file. $749.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to…

Commodity prices: metals, materials and chemicals?

…Graphite paste prices, HCl prices, HDPE prices, HF prices, Hot Rolled Steel prices, Hydrogen Peroxide prices, Integrated Circuit prices, LDPE prices, LiPF6 prices, Lithium Carbonate prices, Lithium Metal prices, Manganese…

Battery degradation: what causes capacity fade?

Battery degradation rates

We have aggregated and cleaned publicly available data into lithium ion battery degradation rates, from an excellent online resource, integrating 7M data-points from Sandia National Laboratory. Our data-file quantifies how…

Electric vehicle: battery life?

…cycles for higher-use commercial vehicles. This means lithium ion batteries may be harder to displace with novel battery chemistries? $299.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Our forecasts in the energy transition…

Pumped hydro: generation profile?

Monthly charge, discharge, and the resulting net discharge for the Tumut 3 pumped hydro storage project. Data from 2021-2023.

…smoothing than lithium-ion batteries. This is borne out by charts in the data-file versus charts in our grid-scale lithium ion battery case study. Data into the charging-discharging by time of…

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