Search Results for: "power electronics" switchgear filters capacitors

Subsea Services: Patent Leaders?

Subsea Oil Service Patent Leaders

…in, flexible risers, subsea power or pipe-lay. One large subsea EPC screens as ‘Top 5’ on most categories, but is facing strong competion across the board. Covered companies include: ABB,…

Fuel Cell Patents: twenty years of progress?

Fuel Cell Patents

…Ceres, Giner, ITM, Plug Power), to evaluate which companies have the most IP in the industry, who has been accelerating and who is being overtaken (chart below). We also focus…

Grid-scale battery costs: the economics?

Grid-scale battery costs

…than the underlying battery, after reflecting the balance of system, power equipment, controls and communication, systems integration, grid installation, EPC concentrators and development costs. For example, a lithium ion battery…

Reforestation: costs of CO2 removals?

Reforestation costs

…into pulp/paper, wood fuel or biomass power, then our model ‘gives back’ the CO2 and does not allow credits to be booked. Timber prices are tracked here. Also note that…

Energy costs of lithium ion batteries?

…the data-file. After amortizing the CO2 emissions of producing the battery, the CO2 emissions per mile are 50% lower for an electric vehicle that is charged by the US power

Offshore wind costs are inflating?

Offshore wind costs not deflating

…cart We model the incentive price for each project, i.e., the power price that is needed to earn a 10% levered but unsubsizided return. There is little evidence for deflation….

Direct air capture of CO2: the economics?

direct air capture of CO2

…cost-deflation, utilization, power prices, gas prices and water prices. (gas- and water-intensity of the process should be noted). Related research. Carbon Engineering is commercializing a ‘wet process’ for DAC using…

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