Search Results for: gas turbine

US CCS: market sizing?

US CCS market sizing

…industrial and power-sector emissions could be captured, across coal-power, gas-power, ethanol, steel, cement, chemicals and smaller manufacturing. To put this in perspective, we also quantified how many million tons of…

Compressor costs: a simple overview?

Overview of compressor costs

…CO2 compression. The data-file also includes a calculator breaking down the energy required for compression from first principles. As a good rule of thumb, compressing a gas stream to 80-200…

Energy crises: an overview from history?

Energy transition themes for 2022

This data-file tabulates the key features of a dozen energy crisis, caused by shortages of coal, oil, gas or electricity, since the start of the twentieth century; including the 1973-74…

Russia: a breakdown of export revenues?

Russia's export revenues

This data-file breaks down Russia’s export revenues, import country by import country, looking across oil, gas, coal, steel, aluminium, copper, gold, aluminium, ammonia, agricultural products, other metals, materials and manufactured…

Coal miners: a screen of Western companies?

coal companies

…times, thermal coal producers have debatable ESG credentials, owing to being the highest carbon fossil fuel, and 2-3x higher CO2 intensity per MWH of useful energy than natural gas. However,…

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