Heating-melting: how much energy is needed?

Energy needed to heat materials

…underpins combined cycle gas turbines, combined heat and power, EGRs, and even next generation combustion technologies based around super-critical CO2, and next-generation nuclear using molten sodium or salt. Further data…

Global energy demand: by region and through 2050?

Global energy demand by region

power grids research). Our recent research explores $2trn of medium-term upside for capital goods companies as a result of electrification in the energy transition. What share for wind and solar?…

Thermodynamics: Carnot, Rankine, Brayton & beyond?

Thermodynamic cycles

…what we think decision makers in the energy transition should know. The theory underpins the appeal of electrification, ultra-efficient gas turbines, CHPs, nuclear HTGRs and new super-critical CO2 power cycles….

Hydrogen: overview and conclusions?

Hydrogen best opportunities?

…natural gas, after generating renewable electricity, electrolysing water into hydrogen and storing the hydrogen. Levelized costs of electricity then reach 60-80c/kWh, for generating clean electricity in a fuel cell power

CO2 compression: stranger things?

CO2 compression

…properties, which helps to fine-tune appropriate risking factors for vanilla CCS, blue hydrogen, CO2-EOR, CO2 shipping, super-critical CO2 power cycles. There is also a wide moat around leading turbomachinery companies….

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