Oxycombustion: economics of zero-carbon gas?

CO2-EOR in shale

Oxycombustion is a next-generation power technology, burning fossil fuels in an inert atmosphere of CO2 and oxygen. It is easy to sequester CO2 from its exhaust gases, helping heat and…

US Shale Gas to Liquids?

US shale gas to liquids

…and our learnings from the patent history. Our base case IRR is 11%, taking in 1.6bcfd of shale gas as feedstock. Resiliency is tested at varying oil and gas prices….

Carbon Funds to Decarbonize Natural Gas

CO2 Funds to Decarbonize Natural Gas with Forests

This economic model illustrates a carbon fund to decarbonize natural gas by planting new forests, while also generating passable economics, attracting investment and incentivizing CO2 savings. The mechanics are that…

How to structure a decarbonized gas value chain?

How to structure a decarbonized gas value chain with forests

…end gas prices of $4-14/mcf and other CO2 mitigation options up to $800/ton. This 15-page note outlines how to structure a decarbonized gas value chain, securitizing forestry-based carbon commitments in…

Gas diffusion: how will record prices resolve?

Displacing industrial gas demand in Europe

…But shuttering some of Europe’s gas-consuming industry then re-locating it in gas-rich countries can achieve 20-40% IRRs, lower net CO2 and lower risk? Both solutions should step up. What implications?…

Global gas: five predictions through 2030?

European gas outlook

…2030. We have revised our views on how fast new energies ramp, which gas gets displaced first, which energy sources are no longer ‘in the firing line’, and gas pricing….

Entropy CCS: natural gas CCS breakthrough?

Entropy CCS technology

Advantage Energy is a Montney gas and oil producer, which recently sourced a $300M investment from Brookfield to scale up its Entropy23 amine blend for natural-gas CCS. Entropy CCS technology…

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