End game: options to cure energy shortages?

options to cure energy shortages

…options are mostly absurd. They point to inflation, industrial leakage and slipping global climate goals. But there may be a few glimmers of opportunity in LNG, nuclear and efficiency technologies….

Green steel: circular reference?

green steel

Steel explains almost c10% of global CO2. Hence 2021 has seen the world’s first ‘green steel’ made using green hydrogen. Yet inflation worries us. At $7.5/kg H2, green steel would…

Energy crises: an overview from history?

Energy transition themes for 2022

…co-occur most often with energy rationing; followed by rising inflation, economic deterioration, stock market declines, increasing energy efficiency measures and even changes in patterns of human migration and geopolitical conflicts….

US LNG: new perceptions?

US LNG upside

Perceptions in the energy transition are likely to change in 2022, amidst energy shortages, inflation and geopolitical discord. The biggest change will be a re-prioritization of US LNG. At a…

Auto manufacturing: the economics?

sales price of a mass-market automobile

…energy and industrial shortages, it is likely that the same vehicle could cost closer to $50k, representing c40% inflation, mostly due higher costs of materials and bottlenecks in supply chains….

TOPCon: maverick?

TOPCon solar cells

…use than today’s PERC cells. This 13-page note reviews TOPCon cells, which will take some sting out of solar re-inflation, tighten silver bottlenecks and may further entrench China’s solar giants….

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