US CO2 emissions by industrial facility size?

CO2 emissions by industrial facility size

…likely too small. The best candidates are c100 specific facilities in the cement,  steel and ammonia industries, which are the “right size”, have  concentrated CO2 emissions and explain around 2%…

US CCS: market sizing?

US CCS market sizing

…industrial and power-sector emissions could be captured, across coal-power, gas-power, ethanol, steel, cement, chemicals and smaller manufacturing. To put this in perspective, we also quantified how many million tons of…

Pressure ratings: industrial and energy processes?

Pressures of industrial and energy processes

…around 4,000 atmospheres (at which point structural steel fails, per our overview of materials properties). We all have experience with 1 atmosphere of pressure (1 bar), simply by existing in…

Hydro electric power: the economics?

costs of hydro electric power project

…nil, even after reflecting the embedded energy of concrete, steel and construction. $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart A typical hydro project requires a 10c/kWh power price and a $50/ton CO2…

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