Search Results for: steel

LanzaTech: biofuels breakthrough?

Lanzatech biofuels

…with Shell and BA, and is now progressing larger projects: a €150M exhaust-gas capture for AccelorMittal’s Ghent steel plant, and a 10MGal/year aviation fuel facility in Georgia. We have assessed…

Energy economics: an overview?

…Ammonia, Carbon Fiber, Cement, Copper, Cyanides, Desalination, Glass, H2O2, Hydrogen, Industrial Gases, Lithium Batteries, Methanol, NaOH/Cl2, Nitric Acid, Paper, Plastics, Silicon, Silver, Steel, Wood Products. As a rule of thumb,…

Hydro electric power: the economics?

costs of hydro electric power project

…nil, even after reflecting the embedded energy of concrete, steel and construction. $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart A typical hydro project requires a 10c/kWh power price and a $50/ton CO2…

Waste heat recovery: heat exchanger costs?

economics of waste heat recovery

…being heat exchanged. Some systems use stainless steel and others require high grade nickel steels. Plate-fin designs are 2x more efficient than shell-tube designs. Capex costs of heat exchangers in…

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