Search Results for: electronic electronics

HVDC transmission: leading companies?

Leading companies in HVDC

…to the grid or run a typical HVDC inter-connection line, including underground HVDC cabling that weighs 35kg/meter, plus associated, switchgear, power electronics, ancillary equipment and EPCI. This data-file reviews the…

FACTS: costs of STATCOMs and SVCs?

Costs of Statcoms and SVCs

…to the 400kV busbars onshore to dampen high frequency harmonics. All of this illustrates that modern wind projects are using larger and increasingly sophisticated power electronics, where smaller and earlier…

Silver demand: upside and substitution?

Solar contacts silver and copper

…which two-thirds is used in industry, and one-third is used in jewellery, silver and stores of financial/investment value. 12kTpa is used in electrical equipment and electronics, of which up to…

Power grids: global investment?

global investment in power grids

…plants (c) downstream investments made by customers, such as in switchgear, power electronics and amperage upgrades. The model can be downloaded to stress-test simple numbers, inputs and outputs. Please contact…

TSE Patent Assessments: a summary?

new technologies for the energy transition

New technologies for the energy transition range across renewables, next-gen nuclear (fission and fusion), next-gen materials, EV charging, battery designs, CCS technologies, electronics, recycling, vehicles, hydrogen technologies and advanced bio-fuels….

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