Direct reduced iron: costs and projects?

Direct reduced iron costs

…reduced iron can increasingly be made with hydrogen comprising almost all of the reducing agent, and renewables-heavy electricity. Ultimately, this can reduce the total CO2 intensity to 0.6 tons/ton, which…

Cement costs and energy economics?

Cement costs and energy economics

…can easy “demand shift” to run off a heavy share of renewables in future power grids. Inflation in cement costs could be a challenge in the energy transition. European heat,…

Levelized costs: real issues?

real levelized costs

…8c/kWh in Years 25-100. What are “Real” Levelized Costs? Some commentators present levelized costs on a ‘real basis’. What this means is that there is an annual escalation…

DAC to the future?

Direct air capture

…of blowing air and compressing CO2 for disposal (pages 9-12). Can DAC demand shift to backstop renewables? Interestingly, we think the costs and energy penalties of decarbonizing hydrocarbons with DAC…

Origen Carbon: DAC breakthrough?

Origen DAC technology

…and excess heat from the oxy-fuelled calcining reaction can demand shift to help backstop (increasingly volatile) power grids (i.e., a ‘smooth operator‘), including amidst the build out of renewables. Another…

Redox flow batteries: for the duration?

Redox flow batteries

…grid-scale storage. Does this unlock a step-change for peak renewables penetration? Or create 3-30x upside for total global Vanadium demand? This 15-page note is our outlook for redox flow batteries….

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