Wind: aim higher?

how wind speeds harness power

This data-file contains a simple model for how wind speeds and wind power co-vary with altitude. 2x greater power could likely be harnessed by a kite at 300m than a…

Vehicles: fuel economy and energy efficiency?

Vehicle fuel economy and energy efficiency

Vehicle fuel economy and energy efficiency are quantified in this data-file, looking across different transportation types: cars, trucks, buses, hybrids, electric vehicles (EVs), hydrogen cars, planes, trains, helicopters, plus other…

Ventures for an Energy Transition?

Oil Major Venture Investments

This database tabulates almost 300 venture investments made by 9 of the leading Oil Majors, as the energy industry advances and transitions. $799.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart The largest portion…

Round Trip Battery Efficiencies

Battery efficiencies

This data-file derives the ‘net round trip efficiency’ of nine different battery solutions for storing energy. Rough costs are also estimated. Net round trip efficiency is calculated as the energy…

Tree database: forests to offset CO2?

CO2 uptake rates in forests by tree type

Nature-based solutions are among the most effective ways to abate CO2. Forest offsets will cost $2-50/ton, decarboning liquid fuels for <$0.5/gallon and natural gas for <$1/mcf (chart below). $499.00 – Purchase Checkout…

Hydrogen Cars: how economic?

how economic are hydrogen cars?

We have modelled the relative economics of hydrogen cars fed by renewable energy and hydrolysis of water, to assess whether they can be cost-competitive. In our base case US assumptions,…

Major technologies to decarbonise power?

leading oil companies for decarbonising the energy system

Leading Oil Majors will play a crucial role in decarbonising the energy system. Their initiatives should therefore be encouraged by policy-makers and ESG investors, particularly where new energy technologies are…

De-carbonising carbon?

De-Carbonising Carbon

Decarbonisation is often taken to mean the end of fossil fuels. But it could become more feasible simply to de-carbonise fossil fuels. This 19-page note explores two top opportunities: next-generation…

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