Power Trains? Electric, diesel or hydrogen

Powering Trains Electric Diesel or Hydrogen

This data-file compares diesel trains, electric trains and hydrogen trains, according to their energy consumption, carbon emissions and fuel costs. The data are presented apples-to-apples, per passenger mile, based on…

CO2-EOR in Shale: the economics

CO2-EOR in shale

We have modelled the economics of CO2-EOR in shale, after interest in this topic spiked 2.3x YoY in the 2019 technical literature. Our deep-dive research into the topic is linked…

Investing for an Energy Transition

Investing for an energy transition

What is the best way for investors to drive decarbonisation? We argue a new ‘venturing’ model is needed, to incubate better technologies. CO2 budgets can also be stretched furthest by…

Shipping in batteries: the economics?

the economics of shipping batteries

What if it were possible to displace diesel from high-cost, high-carbon “island” electricity grids, by charging up large batteries with gas- and renewable power, then shipping the batteries? This model…

Development Concepts: how much CO2?

CO2 intensity of steel and concrete

This data-file quantifies the costs and CO2 emissions associated with different oilfield development concepts’ construction materials. We have tabulated c25 projects, breaking down the total tonnage of steel and concrete…

Solar Use within the Oil Industry?

solar use within the oil industry

This data-file tabulates 20 solar projects being undertaken within the oil industry, in order to clean up production and reduce emissions. More projects are needed, as the total inventory will…

Hybrid horizons: industrial use of batteries?

Hybrid Industrial Uses of Batteries

Gas and diesel engines can be particularly inefficient when idling, or running at 20-30% loads. At these levels, their fuel economy can be impaired by 30-80%. This is the rationale…

Heliogen: concentrated solar breakthrough?

Heliogen concentrated solar patents

Heliogen has set a new record for concentrated solar power in November 2019, generating >1,000C temperatures from an array of c370 hexagonal mirrors, which are precisely controlled using computer vision….

Ten Themes for Energy in 2020

Ten Themes for Energy in 2020

Energy transition is maturing as an investment theme. ‘Obvious’ portfolio tilts are beginning to look over-crowded. Non-obvious ones are looking over-looked. This note outlines the ‘top ten’ themes that excite…

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