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Search results for: “renewables”

  • EROEI: energy return on energy invested?

    EROEI: energy return on energy invested?

    EROEI is the best metric for comparing end-to-end energy efficiencies. Wind and solar currently have EROEIs that are lower and โ€˜slowerโ€™ than todayโ€™s global energy mix; stoking upside to energy demand and capex. But future wind and solar EROEIs could improve 2-6x. This 13-page report explores whether this will be the make-or-break factor determining the…

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  • Power grids: transmission and distribution kilometers by country?

    Power grids: transmission and distribution kilometers by country?

    This data-file aggregates power transmission and distribution kilometers by country, across 30 key countries, which comprise 80% of global electricity use. In 2023, the world contains 7M circuit kilometers of power transmission lines and 110M kilometers of power distribution lines. Useful rules of thumb are in the data-file.

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  • Global decarbonization: speeding up or slowing down?

    Global decarbonization: speeding up or slowing down?

    This 16-page report beaks down global CO2 emissions, across six causal factors and 28 countries and regions. Global emissions rose at +0.7% pa CAGR from 2017-2022, of which +1.0% pa is population growth, +1.4% pa rising incomes, -1.4% pa efficiency gains, -0.5% renewables, 0% nuclear, +0.2% ramping back coal due to underinvestment in gas. Depressingly,…

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  • Smooth operators: who benefits from volatile power grids?

    Smooth operators: who benefits from volatile power grids?

    Some industries can absorb low-cost electricity when renewables are over-generating and avoid high-cost electricity when they are under-generating. The net result can lower electricity costs by 2-3c/kWh and uplift ROCEs by 5-15% in increasingly renewables-heavy grids. This 14-page note ranges over 10,000 demand shifting opportunities, to identify who can benefit most.

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  • Storage tank costs: storing oil, energy, water and chemicals?

    Storage tank costs: storing oil, energy, water and chemicals?

    Storage tank costs are tabulated in this data-file, averaging $100-300/m3 for storage systems of 10-10,000 m3 capacity. Costs are 2-10x higher for corrosive chemicals, cryogenic storage, or very large/small storage facilities. Some rules of thumb are outlined below with underlying data available in the Excel.

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  • Redox flow batteries: costs and capex?

    Redox flow batteries: costs and capex?

    Redox flow battery costs are built up in this data-file, especially for Vanadium redox flow. In our base case, a 6-hour battery that charges and discharges daily needs a storage spread of 20c/kWh to earn a 10% IRR on $3,000/kW of up-front capex. Longer-duration redox flow batteries start to out-compete lithium ion batteries for grid-scale…

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  • California power generation over time?

    California power generation over time?

    California’s power grid ranges from 26-61GW of demand. Utility scale solar has almost quadrupled in the past decade, rising from 5% to almost 20% of the grid. Yet it has not displaced thermal generation, which rose from 28% to 36% of the grid. We even wonder whether wind and solar are entrenching natural gas generators…

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  • Thermal energy storage: cost model?

    Thermal energy storage: cost model?

    This data-file captures the costs of thermal energy storage, buying renewable electricity, heating up a storage media, then releasing the heat for industrial, commercial or residential use. Our base case requires 13.5 c/kWh-th for a 10% IRR, however 5-10 c/kWh-th heat could be achieved with lower capex costs.

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  • California’s grid: wind and solar statistical distributions?

    California’s grid: wind and solar statistical distributions?

    This data-file aggregates the statistical distribution of total electricity demand, solar generation and wind generation, every 5-minutes, across California, for the entirety of 2022, in order to understand their volatility and curtailment rates. The data suggest that wind and solar will most likely peak at 50-55% of renewables-heavy grids.

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  • Power grids: when will wind and solar peak?

    Power grids: when will wind and solar peak?

    Wind and solar will most likely peak at 50-55% of power grids, without demand-shifting and batteries; more in wind-heavy grids, less in solar heavy grids. This 12-page note draws conclusions from the statistical distribution of renewablesโ€™ generation across 100,000 x 5-minute grid intervals.

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