Search Results for: semiconductor semiconductors

Global tin demand: upside in energy transition?

Global tin demand

…point around 180-200ºC, used to affix electrical connections onto circuit boards in semiconductors. Global tin demand rises 2.5x as part of the energy transition, reaching 1MTpa by 2050. Mechanically, our…

Data-centers: the economics?

Financial model over 25 years for a model data-center.

The capex costs of data-centers are typically $10M/MW, with opex costs dominated by maintenance (c40%), electricity (c15-25%), labor, water, G&A and other. A 30MW data-center must generate $100M of revenues…

AI and power grid bottlenecks?

Video presentation regarding Thunder Said Energy's research and insights on AI and power grid bottlenecks.

…stand out to us include next-generation DAC, materials, autonomous vehicles, thermoelectric semiconductors and superconductors. The more immediate bottlenecks for AI are bottlenecks in powering new AI data-centers, amidst deepening power…

Groq: AI inference breakthrough?

Comparison of GPU and LPU energy use. LPUs could be 4.5x more efficient

Groq has developed LPUs for AI inference, which are up to 10x faster and 80-90% more energy efficient than today’s GPUs. This 8-page Groq technology review assesses its patent moat,…

Energy transition companies?

Companies that have popped up in our research sorted by category.

…goods companies, 30 are materials companies, and other heavily discussed industries in our research are energy, mining and semiconductors, ranging from small-privates to mega-cap giants. Zooming in even further, there…

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