Search Results for: semiconductors semiconductor silicon SiC

Commodity prices: metals, materials and chemicals?

…Silica prices surpassed $70/ton, silicon metal prices reached $4,000/ton and polysilicon prices surpassed $30/kg (charts below). Silica price, silicon price and polysilicon price in $ per ton The full database…

Vacuum pumps: company screen?

The global market for vacuum pumps is worth $15bn per year, with growing importance for making semiconductors, solar panels and AI chips. This data-file reviews ten leading companies in vacuum…

Thermodynamics of prime movers: energy from first principles?

…the underlying theory of semiconductors, you will find it deeply uncomfortable to bet against the long-run rise of semiconductors. Electric motors are also…

CO2 intensity of materials: an overview?

CO2 intensity of materials

…value chains that truly are CO2 intensive (i.e., emissions are above 20 tons/ton or even 100 tons/ton). This includes PV silicon and silver for solar panels; carbon fiber and rare…

LONGi: technology review and solar innovations?

…a new world record of 33.9% cell-level efficiency for a silicon-perovskite tandem cell, which is the first ever cell to surpass the Shockley-Queisser (S-Q) theoretical efficiency limit. Hence in this…

Enovix: battery breakthrough?

Enovix technology breakthrough

Enovix has developed a 3D silicon lithium-ion battery, which is 5-years ahead of the broader industry, with 2x higher energy density, around 900Wh/liter. $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Specifically, silicon

HJT solar: Indium summer?

Indium in HJT solar

…understand key advantages versus incumbent solar cells that comprised 80-90% of modules sold in 2019-21. The very short answer is that HJTs benefit from conjoining different semiconductors, with different bandgaps,…

LED lighting: leading companies in LEDs?

Leading companies in LED lighting

…2022, operating margins averaged 8%, due to high competition, fragmentation and inorganic activity. The value chain ranges from LED semiconductor dyes to service providers installing increasingly efficient lighting systems as…

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