Search Results for: semiconductors semiconductor silicon SiC

Manufacturing methods: an overview?

Overview of manufacturing methods

…leaching; while screen-printing is one of the lowest cost assembly processes. Conversely, some of the highest-cost methods are associated with the semiconductor industry, involving the deposition of very thin and…

Data-centers: the economics?

Financial model over 25 years for a model data-center.

The capex costs of data-centers are typically $10M/MW, with opex costs dominated by maintenance (c40%), electricity (c15-25%), labor, water, G&A and other. A 30MW data-center must generate $100M of revenues…

Energy transition from first principles?

…energy transition from first principles… Energy theory from first principles: energy units, thermo-dynamics, electricity, electrochemistry, magnets and motors and semiconductors. Decarbonization technologies from first principles: renewables, batteries, EVs, EV charging, lithium…

AI and power grid bottlenecks?

Video presentation regarding Thunder Said Energy's research and insights on AI and power grid bottlenecks.

…stand out to us include next-generation DAC, materials, autonomous vehicles, thermoelectric semiconductors and superconductors. The more immediate bottlenecks for AI are bottlenecks in powering new AI data-centers, amidst deepening power…

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