Search results for: “small scale LNG”
Wind power: energy costs, energy payback and EROEI?
This data-file estimates 3MWH of energy is consumed in manufacturing and installing 1kW of offshore wind turbines, the energy payback time is usually around 1-year, and total energy return on energy invested (EROEI) will be above 20x. These estimates are based on bottom-up modelling and top-down technical papers.
Wind and solar: cost of grid interconnection?
Cost of grid connection is shaping up to be a major bottleneck for the continued acceleration of new energies. A good baseline is to expect $100-300/kW of grid inter-connection costs, or $3-10/kW-km, over a typical distance of 10-70 km. But the requirement to fund network upgrade costs can push grid connections to cost more than…
HVDC transmission: leading companies?
The global HVDC market is $10bn pa, and it might typically cost cโฌ100-600 M to connect a large and remote renewables project to the grid or run a small HVDC inter-connector. This data-file reviews the market leaders in HVDC, based on 5,500 patents. A dozen companies stand out, with c$40bn of combined revenues from power…
Offshore oil: marginal cost?
What is the marginal cost of offshore oil and gas? This data-file captures a small project, off Africa, with $15/boe development cost, $15/boe opex, 70% fiscal take. Break-even is at $35-45/bbl. But a $90/bbl forward curve may be needed for definitive go-ahead.
CO2 removals: TIST, Kenya and Uganda?
TIST is a non-profit, founded in 1999, coordinating the efforts of 137,000 subsistence farmers, mainly in Kenya and Uganda, to plant over 23.6M trees. CO2 credits are VERRA certified and scored highly on our framework for assessing nature-based CO2 removals.
Global energy demand: by region and through 2050?
This model captures global energy demand by region through 2050, rising from 70,000 TWH in 2019-22 to 120,000 MWH in 2050. Demand rises c2% pa. Energy use per global person rises at 1% pa from 9.3 MWH pp pa to 12.6 MWH pp pa. Meeting human civilization’s energy needs is crucial to the energy transition.
Albedo of different landscapes: a challenge for reforestation?
Forests are darker than their surroundings? So does their low albedo curb our enthusiasm for nature-based solutions? This data-file aggregates the average albedo of different landscapes. The albedo impact of reforestation seems numerically very small. There is even an intriguing link where forests can increase the formation of clouds, which have the highest average albedo…
Hillcrest: ZVS inverter breakthrough?
Hillcrest Energy Technologies is developing an ultra-efficient SiC inverter, which has 30-70% lower switching losses, up to 15% lower system cost, weight, size, and thus interesting applications in electric vehicles. How does it work and can we de-risk the technology?
Energy transition: the very hungry caterpillar?
The universe of energy transition stocks seems small at first. 50 clean tech companies have $1trn in combined value, less than 1% of all global equities. But decarbonizing the world is insatiable. Consuming ever more sectors. We are now following over $15trn of market cap across new energies, (clean) conventional energy, utilities, capital goods, mining,…
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