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Search results for: “small scale LNG”

  • Energy security: volcanos versus solar panels?

    Energy security: volcanos versus solar panels?

    Every 30-years on average, a giant volcano erupts, ejecting >10km3 of debris, including aerosols that dim the sun and temporarily cool the planet by 0.5-1C. After Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991, US solar insolation fell by 20% in 1992. What implications for global energy security and energy transition?

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  • Power transmission: inter-connectors smooth solar volatility?

    Power transmission: inter-connectors smooth solar volatility?

    Can large-scale power transmission smooth renewables’ volatility? To answer this question, this horrible 18MB data-file aggregates 20-years of hour-by-hour solar insolation arriving at four cities in the US. The volatility in year-by-year can be halved by a single inter-connector.

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  • Battery degradation: causes, effects & implications?

    Battery degradation: causes, effects & implications?

    This 14-page note offers five rules of thumb to maximize the longevity of lithium-ion batteries, in grid-scale storage and electric vehicles. The data suggest hidden upside in the demand for batteries, for lithium and high-quality power electronics, especially if batteries are to backstop renewables.

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  • Solar: energy payback and embedded energy?

    Solar: energy payback and embedded energy?

    What is the energy payback and embedded energy of solar? We have aggregated the consumption of 10 different materials (in kg/kW) and around 10 other energy-consuming line-items (in kWh/kW). Our base case estimate is 2.5 MWH/kWe of solar and an energy payback of 1.5-years. Numbers and sensitivities can be stress-tested in the data-file.

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  • Fluorinated polymers: flying under the radar?

    Fluorinated polymers: flying under the radar?

    Fluorinated polymers are a stealth bottleneck for the energy transition: used in solar back-sheets, battery binders/separators, wind blades, and across the hydrogen chain. They are easily overlooked. This 400kTpa market grows 6x by 2050. Markets are already tight. And the โ€˜CO2 curveโ€™ is very steep. Our 15-page report explores the market, the upside and who…

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  • Nuclear life extensions: costs and case studies?

    Nuclear life extensions: costs and case studies?

    What are the costs of nuclear life extensions and capacity upratings? This data-file has reviewed 25 examples, from past projects and technical papers. The average nuclear life extension costs around $650/kW to extend a nuclear plant’s life by 20-years, or around $30/kW-year.

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  • Nature-based CO2 removals: a summary?

    Nature-based CO2 removals: a summary?

    This data-file aggregates the details of different nature-based CO2 removals projects that we have been supporting at Thunder Said Energy. The average nature-based reforestation initiative that we supported in 2022 scored 70/100 on our framework. Statistical details and distributions are explored.

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  • Offshore wind: installation costs by vessel?

    Offshore wind: installation costs by vessel?

    An offshore wind project is likely to cost $2,500/kW, of which c$1,500/kW is turbines and $1,000/kW is offshore installation costs. This data-file aims to estimate the breakdown by vessel type, day-rates and costs per turbine.

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  • NET Power: gas-fired power with inherent CO2 capture?

    NET Power: gas-fired power with inherent CO2 capture?

    Our NET Power technology review shows over ten years of progress, refining the design of efficient power generation cycles using CO2 as the working fluid. The patents show a moat around several aspects of the technology. And six challenges at varying stages of de-risking.

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  • Boston Metal: molten oxide electrolysis of steel?

    Boston Metal: molten oxide electrolysis of steel?

    Boston Metal aims to decarbonize steel, using molten oxide electrolysis, absorbing 4MWH/ton of steel. This data-file is a Boston Metal technology review, based on assessing 55 patents across 3 families. We were unable to de-risk the technology. A key challenge is conveying current into the cell, as it operates around 1,600C, which is above the…

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