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Search results for: “small scale LNG”

  • Maintenance costs for gas-powered trucks?

    Maintenance costs for gas-powered trucks?

    Maintenance costs are tabulated by category, for a fleet of compressed natural gas (CNG) trucks, travelling 16M miles across the United States.

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  • Load bearing: will solar+gas be cheaper than gas alone?

    Load bearing: will solar+gas be cheaper than gas alone?

    The costs to power a real-world load โ€“ e.g., a data center โ€“ with solar+gas will very often be more expensive than via a standalone gas CCGT in the US today. But not internationally? Or in the future? This 9-page note shows how solar deflation and load shifting can boost solar to >40% of future…

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  • Fuel cells: performance, efficiency and decline rates?

    Fuel cells: performance, efficiency and decline rates?

    This data-file captures the performance of c160 fuel cell power plants, installed to-date in the US, generating over 2TWH of electricity, looking facility-by-facility, year-by-year. How has the performance, efficiency and longevity of US fuel cell power plants been trending over time?

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  • Market sizing: what if CO2 abatement costs are distributed like US income?

    Market sizing: what if CO2 abatement costs are distributed like US income?

    How would CO2 abatement costs end up being distributed, if they matched the distribution of US incomes? 90% of all decarbonization would have to cost less than $80/ton. There could be 600MTpa of CCS, 60MTpa of DAC, 6MTpa of green hydrogen and e-fuels?

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  • Material and manufacturing costs by region: China vs US vs Europe?

    Material and manufacturing costs by region: China vs US vs Europe?

    Material and manufacturing costs by region are compared in this data-file for China vs the US vs Europe. Generally, compared with the US, materials costs are 10% lower in China, and 40% higher in Germany, although it depends upon the specific value chain. A dozen different examples are contrasted in this data-file, especially for solar…

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  • Electrochemistry: battery voltage and the Nernst Equation?

    Electrochemistry: battery voltage and the Nernst Equation?

    What determines the Voltage of an electrochemical cell, such as a lithium ion battery, redox flow battery, a hydrogen fuel cell, an electrolyser or an electrowinning plant? This note explains electrochemical voltages, from first principles, starting with Standard Potentials and the Nernst Equation.

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  • Engineering and construction companies screen?

    Engineering and construction companies screen?

    40% of total installed project costs tend to accrue to construction companies, as screened in this data-file. The average of 25 large engineering and construction companies has 100 years of operating history, 35,000 employees, generated $13bn pa of revenues in 2023, and at a c4% EBIT margins.

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  • Methane slip: how much gas evades combustion?

    Methane slip: how much gas evades combustion?

    Methane slip occurs when a small portion of natural gas fails to combust, and instead escapes into the atmosphere. This data-file reviews different technical papers. Methane slip is effectively nil at gas turbines and gas heating (less than 0.1%). It rises to 0.5-3% in cookstoves and some dual-fuel marine engines. However, the highest rate of…

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  • Biogas: the economics?

    Biogas: the economics?

    Biogas costs are broken down in this economic model, generating a 10% IRR off $180M/kboed capex, via a mixture of $16/mcfe gas sales, $60/ton waste disposal fees and $50/ton CO2 prices. High gas prices and landfill taxes can make biogas economical in select geographies. Although diseconomies of scale reward smaller projects?

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  • Supercapacitors: case studies for renewable-heavy grids?

    Supercapacitors: case studies for renewable-heavy grids?

    Supercapacitors are well suited to smoothing short-term volatility in increasingly renewables-heavy grids. Typical systems are 10kW-10MW, 1M chage-discharge cycles, 5-30 seconds storage and $30/kW costs. Expect the market to surprise to the upside, especially in combination with other power-electronics. Who benefits?

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