Search Results for: small scale LNG

Global Flaring Intensity by Country

…1990s). LNG’s positive role in reducing flaring stands out from the data. LNG exports were 94% correlated with Nigeria’s flaring reduction since NLNG started up in 1999. Angola has also…

Coal-to-gas switching: what CO2 abatement cost?

Coal-to-gas switching

…with gas would have required the equivalent of 40MTpa of LNG imports, over 10% of overnight tightening in global LNG market. Philosophical problem #1: historical volatility? Commodity prices volatility raises…

Gas turbines and CHP: technology leaders?

Leading companies commercializing gas turbines for power or CHP

The aim of this data-file is to profile thirty leading companies in gas turbines and smaller-scale CHPs, based on their disclosures and patent filings. In each case, we describe the…

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