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Search results for: “volatility volatile”

  • Solar trackers: following the times?

    Solar trackers: following the times?

    Solar trackers are worth $10bn pa. They typically raise solar revenues by 30%, earn 13% IRRs on their capex costs, and lower LCOEs by 0.4 c/kWh. But these numbers are all likely to double, as solar gains share, grids grow more volatile, and AI unlocks further optimizations? This 14-page report explores the theme and who…

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  • Global biofuel production: by region, by liquid fuel?

    Global biofuel production: by region, by liquid fuel?

    Global liquid biofuel production ran at 3.2Mbpd in 2024, of which c60% is ethanol, c30% is biodiesel and c10% is renewable diesel. 65% of global production is from the US and Brazil. Global liquid biofuel production reaches 3.8Mbpd by 2030 on our forecasts.

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  • Australia energy supply-demand model?

    Australia energy supply-demand model?

    Australia’s useful energy consumption rises from 820TWH pa in 2023, by 1.2% pa 1,100 TWH pa in 2050. As a world-leader in renewables, it makes for an interesting case study. This Australia energy supply-demand model is disaggreated across 215 line items, broken down by source, by use, from 1990 to 2023, and with our forecasts…

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  • Residential energy prices: reasons for optimism?

    Residential energy prices: reasons for optimism?

    Residential energy prices tend to run 4x higher than underlying wholesale energy prices. This is a very wide margin, as by contrast, typical commoditized products in supermarkets are usually only marked up by about 2x, compared to their wholesale prices. Today’s data-file compares retail prices vs wholesale prices across a dozen different categories. A remarkable…

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  • Biogas: the economics?

    Biogas: the economics?

    Biogas costs are broken down in this economic model, generating a 10% IRR off $180M/kboed capex, via a mixture of $16/mcfe gas sales, $60/ton waste disposal fees and $50/ton CO2 prices. High gas prices and landfill taxes can make biogas economical in select geographies. Although diseconomies of scale reward smaller projects?

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  • US gas transmission: by company and by pipeline?

    US gas transmission: by company and by pipeline?

    This data-file aggregates granular data into US gas transmission, by company and by pipeline, for 40 major US gas pipelines which transport 45TCF of gas per annum across 185,000 miles; and for 3,200 compressors at 640 related compressor stations.

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  • US gas power: generation by facility over time?

    US gas power: generation by facility over time?

    US gas power generation by facility is broken down in this data-file, across 1,850 active gas-power plants, supplying 40% of all US electricity. Descriptive statistics are available in the summary tab, a state-by-state breakdown follows in the PlantsByState tab and underlying data on all 3,000 historical facilities are provided in the AllGasPlants tab.

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  • Electric arc furnaces for lower-carbon steel production?

    Electric arc furnaces for lower-carbon steel production?

    Electric arc furnaces generate enormous amounts of heat to recycle scrap steel, with 85% lower CO2 emissions than primary steel production. Our base case model yields a 15% IRR at $475/ton steel prices and a 10c/kWh power price. However, IRRs could be uplifted 2-6pp by integrating with renewables.

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  • Mining: crushing, grinding and comminution costs?

    Mining: crushing, grinding and comminution costs?

    Mining crushing-grinding costs are typically $10/ton of ore, breaking 3-10cm rubble into 30-100 micron powders. Capex averages $20/Tpa and energy cost averages 20kWh/ton.

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  • Green hydrogen: can electrolysers run off renewables?

    Green hydrogen: can electrolysers run off renewables?

    What degradation rate is expected for a green hydrogen electrolyser, if it is powered by volatile wind and solar inputs? This 15-page note reviews past projects and technical papers. 5-10% pa degradation rates would raise green hydrogen costs by $1/kg. Avoiding degradation justifies higher capex, especially on power-electronics and even batteries?

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