What oil price is best for energy transition?

It is possible to decarbonize all of global energy by 2050. But $30/bbl oil prices would stall this energy transition, killing the relative economics of electric vehicles, renewables, industrial efficiency,…

US shale: outlook and forecasts?

US shale production forecasts by basin

…on higher oil prices. Our shale outlook is also summarized below. $899.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart What outlook for shale in energy transition? Shale is a technology paradigm where well…

Diesel power generation: levelized costs?

Levelized costs of diesel power generation

…power generation. The model allows for some easy flexing of power prices (c/kWh), capex costs ($/kW), oil prices ($/bbl), delivered diesel costs ($/gal), O&M costs ($/kW/yr) and CO2 prices ($/ton)….

Offshore oil: marginal cost?

Offshore oil marginal cost

…at $45/bbl, 20% WACC at $60/bbl and 30% WACC at $90/bbl (the increasing sensitivity is a function of the PSC structure). Note these are life-of-the-project averages. If oil prices spiked…

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