Search Results for: China

China Energy Demand and CO2 Emissions, 2000-2060

China's total useful energy demand and CO2 emissions forecast from 2000 to 2060.

This data-file is our China Energy Model and China CO2 Model, disaggregating China’s energy demand by industry, across coal, oil, gas, wind, solar, hydro and nuclear, across c200 lines, from…

China’s Shale Challenge?

china shale production challenges

China’s future gas production, and thus its need for LNG imports, depends heavily on its prospects in shale: Technically recoverable resources have been assessed at a vast 31.6TCM by the…

Global patent filings: by region, by industry, over time?

Global patent filings

…6% are construction related (chart below). Breakdown-of-Global-Patent-Filings-by-Major-Industry-Over-Time The rise of China as an industrial power is truly staggering. Patent filings in China reached 6M in 2021, which was 79% of…

Energy self-sufficiency by country and over time?

The percentage of energy provided by countries themselves and by imports for different countries.

…industries (which formerly supplied 9% of Germany’s energy needs). Energy self-sufficiency in China is a major policy goal. Import reliance peaked in 2006, at 20% of China’s energy needs. China’s…

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