Search Results for: NOx

Hydrocarbon Energy Research

…typical combustion facility contains c7% CO2, 60ppm of NOx, 40ppm of SOx and 2ppm of particulate dusts. This is our conclusion from tabulating data across 75 large combustion facilities, mainly…

Thermal power plant: loss attribution?

Power plant loss attribution

…fuel heating (4%), generator losses (2%), plant auxiliaries (2%), and other smaller losses, including incomplete combustion, fuel drying, fuel milling, flue gas desulfurization, NOx removal via selective catalytic reduction, dust…

Energy Transition Research

NOx removed. Capex costs, operating costs, coal plants and marine fuels can be stress-tested in the model. Download the Model? Silicon carbide: production costs? This data-file captures the costs of…

Mainspring Energy: linear generator breakthrough?

…uniform and flameless combustion reaction to occur, releasing the energy from the fuel, but creating no NOx emissions. The energy from combustion pushes a piston through a cylinder (or in…

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