Search Results for: polyurethanes

Polyurethanes: what upside in energy transition?


Polyurethanes are elastic polymers, used for insulation, electric vehicles, electronics and apparel. This $75bn pa market expands 3x by 2050. But could energy transition double historically challenging margins, by freeing…

Polyurethane: leading companies?

…company. The median company in the screen is diversified, and derives just 10% of its business from polyurethanes. Although seven companies derive over half of their revenues from polyurethanes and…

Propylene oxide: production costs?

Propylene oxide production costs

…Note that polyurethanes polymerize with diisocyanates to form polyurethanes. Propylene oxide reacts with CO2 to yield polypropylene carbonate Propylene oxide reacts with CO2 and an OH initiation to yield a…

Hydrocarbon Energy Research

…25MTpa market, across 20 listed companies and 3 private companies. We see growing demand for polyurethanes — especially for insulation, electric vehicles and consumer products — while there is also…

Commodity prices: metals, materials and chemicals?

…of trade are likely to become particularly constructive for polyurethanes. Polymer prices by year LDPE HDPE PET EVA Polyurethanes Paints and Adhesives in $ per ton Olefins and Aromatics Prices…

Polyurethane: production costs?

…when transforming oil, gas, air and mined minerals into this class of petrochemicals (chart below). And moreover, there are hundreds of different types of polyurethanes, in this 25MTpa market, which…

Energy Transition Research

…25MTpa market, across 20 listed companies and 3 private companies. We see growing demand for polyurethanes — especially for insulation, electric vehicles and consumer products — while there is also…

Acetylene: production costs?

…volumes. It is an important gas because the C≡C triple bond can easily be vinylated to produce H-X compounds. This pathway yields vinyl acetate, acrylonitrile, acetaldehyde and butane-1,4-diol for polyurethanes

Energy transition: top commodities?

Commodities needed for energy transition

…Earths, Nickel, Oil, Polyurethanes, PV Silicon, Silicon Carbide, Silver, STATCOMs, Steel, Sulphuric Acid, Tin, Uranium, Vanadium. Further details on each commodity can be found by browsing our supply-demand models. Another…

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