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Search results for: โ€œagricultural foodโ€

  • World food production: energy breakdown by crop by country?

    World food production: energy breakdown by crop by country?

    World food production runs at 10 bn tons per year, equivalent to 25,000 TWH of primary energy, or 7,500 calories per person per day. Of this total, 30% is fed to animals, 30% is wasted, 5% is converted to biofuels and 2% is used in consumer products. Humans eat the remaining 2,500 calories per person…

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  • Tree crops: financial and agricultural yields?

    Tree crops: financial and agricultural yields?

    This data-file compiles the estimated calorific and financial yields of tree crops versus conventional crops such as corn and soybean. Tree crops absorb more CO2 and have strong economic potential.ย Value is 2x higher than conventional agricultureย although calorific yields may be 50-90% lower.

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  • Biotech companies to enhance agricultural yields or CO2 uptake?

    Biotech companies to enhance agricultural yields or CO2 uptake?

    This screen tracks companies that can improve productivity of agricultural land (so more land is available for reforestation) or increase CO2 uptake rates of plants. It includes large-cap seed and crop protection companies, through to biotech firms, through to indoor farms that achieve 350-400x higher yields per acre.

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  • Crop production: what CO2 intensity?

    Crop production: what CO2 intensity?

    The CO2 intensity of producing corn averages 0.23 tons/ton, or 75kg/boe. 50% is from N2O emissions, a powerful greenhouse gas, from the breakdown of nitrogen fertilizer. Producing 1 kWh of food energy requires 9 kWh of fossil energy.

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  • Revolutions and upheavals: are energy shortages a cause?

    Revolutions and upheavals: are energy shortages a cause?

    This data-file aims to assess whether spiking food and energy prices lead to political changes. There is a >70% chance of regime change at the next election, after food and energy prices have spiked. Links with outright revolutions are looser.

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  • Restoring soil carbon: the economics?

    Restoring soil carbon: the economics?

    We model the economics for conservation agriculture to restore soil carbon. 5-30T of CO2 can be sequestered per acre per year, while deflating farm costs by 36-73% and raising yields 10-20%. This would transform crop-growing economics from marginal to material.

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  • Vacuum pumps: company screen?

    Vacuum pumps: company screen?

    The global market for vacuum pumps is worth $15bn per year, with growing importance for making semiconductors, solar panels and AI chips. This data-file reviews ten leading companies in vacuum pumps, including one European-listed capital goods leader, a European pure-play and a Japanese-listed pure-play.

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  • Political shifts: do energy shortages cause revolutions?

    Political shifts: do energy shortages cause revolutions?

    We tabulated data from 138 elections over 60 years in 7 countries. When food and energy prices spike, there is a 75% chance of government change. Revolutions can sometimes be triggered by food-energy shortages too. Hence this 14-page note evaluates whether major policy changes are coming?

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  • Biomass accumulation: CO2 fixed by trees and energy crops?

    Biomass accumulation: CO2 fixed by trees and energy crops?

    Different plant species fix 3-30 tons of CO2 per acre per year, as they accumulate biomass at 2-40 tons per hectare per year. The numbers matter for biofuels and for nature-based solutions. Hence this data-file compiles technical data into CO2 and biomass accumulation by plant species and by tree species, in different regions globally.

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  • Biofuels: the best of times, the worst of times?

    Biofuels: the best of times, the worst of times?

    How will food and energy shortages re-shape liquid biofuels? This 11-page note explores four questions. Could the US re-consider its ethanol blending to help world food security? Could rising cash costs of bio-diesel inflate global diesel prices to $6-8/gal? Will renewable diesel expansion be dialed back? What outlook for each biofuel in the energy transition?

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