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Industrial cooling: chillers and evaporators?

This data-file captures the costs of industrial cooling, especially liquid cooling using commercial HVAC equipment, across heat-exchangers, cooling tower evaporators and chillers. Our base case is that removing 100MW-th of heat has capex costs of $1,000/ton, equivalent to c$300/kW-th, expending 0.12 kWh-e of electricity per kWh-th, with a total cost of 7 c/ton-hour.

Across the US cooling market, the most common metric for measuring cooling capacity is in โ€˜tonsโ€™. This is shorthand for the coolness provided by 1 US ton of ice melting over the course of a day, equating to 3.52kW-th of heat removal. Providing 3.52 kW-th of cooling for one hour can thus also be called 1 ton-hour.

Cooling can be delivered via three mechanisms: simple heat exchange with ambient air or water (depends on ambient temperatures), evaporating some of the water in an evaporating tower (depends on water availability) and chilling a working fluid using a refrigeration cycle. In practice, all three may be used in combination (as exemplified in the chart below).

Electricity use of a cooling system. About 50% is from pumping, 20% from the fans in cooling towers, and 30% from the chiller system.

Capex costs of industrial cooling depend on the precise combination of equipment that is used, but a good ballpark is $1,000/ton, equivalent to $300/kW-th, based on our models of compressors, heat-exchangers, pumps, fans and blowers, storage tanks, piping, VFDs, switchgear, grid connections, engineering and construction.

Installed cooling cost for data-centers. Installation and EPC make up ~60% of costs and the rest is equipment: pumps, cooling towers, chiller, piping, VFDs, etc.

Removing each kWh-th of heat requires 0.12 kWh-e of electricity, in our base case, but the numbers vary as a function of water evaporation rates and ambient temperatures, running anywhere from 0.03 to 0.5 kWh-e per kWh-th. Cooling in water-scarce and hot climates is c60% more costly than in water-abundant and cool climates.

Base case numbers in our commercial cooling model are primarily geared to data-centers, where 10-20% of total installed costs will be on cooling, in order to keep chips below a thermal limit of 27ยบC or cooler. Water intensity of AI computing can thus be estimated in the range of 1,000-3,000 liters per MWH, meaning that each ChatGPT query consumes as much as 10-30ml of water. Or alternatively, PUEs can be increased by c5-10% to avoid any water use in evaporators. Hence the data-file also screens 20 companies, with 65% of the market in data-center cooling.

Market shares of companies providing equipment for data-center cooling versus the percentage of their business dedicated to it.

All of our numbers into the costs of industrial cooling can be stress-tested in the data-file. Backup tabs of the model contain details of companies and our notes from technical papers.

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