Search Results for: heat pumps

Cement costs and energy economics?

Cement costs and energy economics

…$20/ton for heat which is mainly coal and petcoke today; $20/ton in capital costs for a 10% IRR; $20/ton for CO2 and the CO2 price can be flexed in the…

Air conditioning: energy consumption?

…of temperatures, humidity, heating days, household size, insulation and coefficient of performance (COP). What routes to lower the AC energy demand and CO2 emissions? $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart The…

Origen Carbon: DAC breakthrough?

Origen DAC technology

…and excess heat from the oxy-fuelled calcining reaction can demand shift to help backstop (increasingly volatile) power grids (i.e., a ‘smooth operator‘), including amidst the build out of renewables. Another…

Thermoelectrics: leading companies and products?

Thermoelectric devices convert heat directly into electricity, or conversely provide localized cooling/heating by absorbing electricity. This data-file screens leading companies in thermoelectrics, their product specifications, applications and underlying calculations for…

European gas: anatomy of an energy crisis?

European gas demand across residential heat, commercial heat, electricity and a dozen industries.

…traders, midstream companies and load-shifters (note below). Heating comprises 40% of Europe’s gas demand, of which 24pp is residential, 11pp is commercial, 3pp is heat/steam sold from power plants…

Plastic recycling: the economics?

…kWh/ton) and the heat use (also in kWh/ton) are also built up by surveying technical papers. The largest opex cost line in the model is labor, due to the need…

Phosphoric acid production costs?

Economic model for a phosphoric acid plant.

…H3PO4. Most plants generate sulfuric acid on-site from elemental sulfur, as this allows the heat of H2SO4 formation to be used within the process, lowering energy costs. This is modeled…

Floating LNG: do the costs work?

Floating LNG

…risk is ‘uptime’. This file contains our workings; including cost-estimates across 17-categories, such as compressors, heat-exchangers, vessel-costs, et al. Costs are compared for smaller-scale and onshore plants in later tabs….

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