Search Results for: heat pumps

Energy efficiency: an overview?

Overview of energy efficiency

heat, seen most notably in replacing internal combustion engine vehicles (15-20% efficient) with electric vehicles (80-90% efficient), both on an apples-to-apples basis. Our other data-files give more underlying detail and…

NET Power: gas-fired power with inherent CO2 capture?

NET Power Technology Review

…would recommend to start with our overview of thermodynamics, and our overview of super-critical CO2. The patents give some helpful details on pressures, temperatures, heat exchange, Cp/Cv ratios, and innovations…

Post-combustion CCS: what energy penalties?

CCS energy penalties

…the other 55-65%? Accessing this waste heat can mean the difference between 20% and 60% energy penalties for post-combustion CCS. This 10-page note explores how much heat can be recaptured….

Aluminium producers: company screen?

Leading Aluminium producers

…overhead transmission cables for power grids, for light-weighting vehicles to improve their fuel economy, for aircraft frames, for the frames of solar panels, and in the heat exchangers that enable…

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