Oil markets: waiting game?

oil supply-demand

Oil prices must entrench well above $50/bbl for 2023-25 oil markets to balance. But prices could materially overshoot. This short 4-page note presents our latest conclusions, and top charts on…

Global oil demand: rumors of my death?

Oil demand during COVID

…note aggregates demand data for 8 oil products and 120 countries over the COVID pandemic. We see 3.5Mbpd of pent-up demand ‘upside’, acting as a floor on medium-term oil prices….

Can technology revive offshore oil?

Can technology revive offshore oil

…So can technology revive offshore and deep-water? This note outlines our ‘top twenty’ opportunities. They can double deep-water NPVs, add c4-5% to IRRs and improve oil price break-evens by $15-20/bbl….

Oil markets: the aftermath?

oil markets outlook

…loss of 4.5Mbpd of shale growth and c3Mbpd of greenfield growth. This 4-page note argues it is not impossible for oil prices to surpass $100/bbl in the aftermath of COVID….

Copyright: Thunder Said Energy, 2019-2024.