Hydrogen peroxide: production costs?

Hydrogen peroxide production costs

hydrogen conversion and selectivity). Our estimates into hydrogen consumption of hydrogen peroxide production are tabulated in the data-file. The CO2 intensity of hydrogen peroxide production is 3 tons/ton, as our…

US natural gas: blue hydrogen tightens global LNG markets?

…itself. https://thundersaidenergy.com/2023/07/06/hydrogen-reformers-smr-versus-atr/ https://thundersaidenergy.com/2023/04/13/blue-ammonia-options-strategy/ https://thundersaidenergy.com/2023/05/04/blue-steel-construction-boom/ How does the inflation reduction act change US hydrogen economics? Substantively all of the US’s merchant hydrogen today is produced using steam methane reformers, where new…

Hydrogen: what GWP and climate impacts?

Hydrogen GWP versus methane

…– 10% hydrogen across a hydrogen value chain. (5) 3x higher hydrogen leakage rates are not an unjustified concern, because the radius of an H2 molecule is about 3x smaller than…

Global hydrogen: market breakdown?

global hydrogen market by industry in MTpa

This data-file is a breakdown of the global hydrogen market, which is 110MTpa today, worth around $110bn pa at $1/kg H2 prices. Today’s hydrogen is mostly used for producing ammonia,…

Jetti Resources: copper leaching breakthrough?

Jetti resources technology review

…carbon black, which raises the intriguing possibility of providing an offtake for the carbon black coming out of turquoise hydrogen plants. There are four major challenges to explore, based on…

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