Global hydrogen: market breakdown?

global hydrogen market by industry in MTpa

This data-file is a breakdown of the global hydrogen market, which is 110MTpa today, worth around $110bn pa at $1/kg H2 prices. Today’s hydrogen is mostly used for producing ammonia,…

Energy transition: investment strategies?

Energy transition investing

…patents (see below). (7) New market risk. This risk premium compensates investors for immature markets. For example, if you produce clean ammonia, then you can sell it into existing…

Nitric acid: production costs?

Nitric acid production costs

…stress-tested in the data-file. The largest input costs is ammonia, which is progressively oxidized using the Ostwald process, a high-temperature catalytic oxidation reaction, using a platinum-rhodium catalyst, at low-medium pressures…

Topsoe: autothermal reforming technology?

Topsoe autothermal reforming

…chains that use the components such as refinery processes, renewable fuels, low-carbon hydrogen, ammonia, dimethyl ether, methanol, synthetic natural gas and sulfuric acid. This data-file is focused on Topsoe’s autothermal…

Selective catalytic reduction: costs of NOx removal?

Selective catalytic reduction costs

…here). High adiabatic flame temperatures of hydrogen will also form NOx. Meanwhile, using low-carbon ammonia as a fuel may release higher-than-normal NOx emissions as the NH3 molecule combusts (note here)….

Energy economics: energy content of combustion fuels?

Energy content of combustion fuels

The purpose of this data-file is to disaggregate the energy content of combustion fuels, including natural gas, different oil products, NGLs, coal, hydrogen, methanol, ammonia et al. $299.00 – Purchase Checkout Added…

Cryogenic air separation: costs and energy economics?

This data-file calculates the costs of cryogenic air separation units, which are important in the production of industrial gases, ammonia, metals, materials, medical applications and new energy technologies such as…

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