Search Results for: energy density

Power functions: how would gas shortages change the cost curve?

how would gas shortages change the cost curve

…renewable assets, their underlying components, and power-electronics companies (some examples are profiled below). However, it is not necessarily great news for consumers, fore-suffering higher energy prices.…

Steel production: costs and energy economics?

Economics steel production blast furnace

…sensitive to input assumptions, which are backed up by technical data, but can also be stress-tested. For example, we have undertaken a detailed case study into the energy intensity of…

Power grids: global investment?

global investment in power grids

…larger than the total spending on producing all global primary energy. Whereas in the past, transmission and distribution were a kind of side-show, equivalent to c30% of total primary energy

Market sizing: what if CO2 abatement costs are distributed like US income?

Distribution of CO2 abatement costs?

…emissions per capita in each income percentile (reference charts below). Conclusions: market sizing for energy transition technologies? 20% of all US decarbonization, or 1.4 GTpa, must cost below $20/ton,…

Post-combustion CCS: what energy penalties?

CCS energy penalties

A thermal power plant converts 35-45% of the chemical energy in coal, biomass or pellets into electrical energy. So what happens to the other 55-65%? Accessing this waste heat can…

AirJoule: Metal Organic Framework HVAC breakthrough?

…vehicle. Typical air conditioners have a coefficient of performance (COP) of 2.5-3.5x, which means that each kWh of electricity inputs will deliver 2.5-3.5 kWh-th of cooling energy. Cooling energy, in…

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